Rotary Club of Picton has been helping to fund the reconstruction of the Buzova School in Ukraine which was severely damaged from shelling and hostilities in February-March 2022. The kitchen and dining area revitalization is now complete and students will soon be able to return to classes at the school. The kitchen is a vital part of this school and they are now able to continue with their baking which brings smiles to everyone's faces.
We hope to have a video showing the completed school soon.
Tatiana Godok, Past President of the E-Club of Ukraine, leads a YouTube video from September
2023 showing how the kitchen part of the school is progressing.

In September 2022, Mykola Stebljanko, Past Governor of Rotary District 2322 Ukraine led a global Zoom meeting covering current Rotary projects to rebuild Ukraine. Of
particular interest to our Club was the plight of the elementary school in the village of Bozova. Located about 26 KM West of Kyiv in the Bucha Region, the village was at one time the frontline of the Russian invasion from the North. The school became a shelter for the villagers and was subjected to direct attacks from tanks and artillery. Though nearly destroyed, Ukrainians have banded together to rebuild the school as a major step to creating an environment for families to return to the area.